Chain Reaction Cycles

I was the Lead Email Developer at Chain Reaction Cycles, the largest online bike store in the world. I worked closely with other designers and marketers to create hundreds of bespoke marketing emails for across the globe in 7 different languages. These emails had to be supported over a large variation of email clients across the world.

During my time at CRC, the scale of sending went from 2-3 a week to 7-8 a week. Each email had over a dozen English variations for different regions, and 7 other languages. To achieve this I had to completely reorganise how emails were built and create a framework to automate tasks and massively increase the turnaround of a design from brief to send.

It was doing this work that I got an interest for split-testing different designs and researching audience analytics.

I was also responsible for landing pages for events and product launches.

A small selection of the emails I worked on. These were usually daily, in multiple languages.
A landing page created to launch new tyres
A simple form page for collecting customer details at an event. This page was displayed on iPads at a stand for a competition.